Aguas Azules ParaSailing


Single/One-Person flight:  $100 plus taxes – Tandem/Two-Person flight:  $155 plus taxes – Non-flying observer/passenger:  $25 per person

Departure Times:   8am – 10am – 12md – 2pm and 4pm

Flight time is 15 minutes

Total time involved from hotel pick up to drop off is approximately 1 ½ hours.

Minimum total weight:  110 pounds, Maximum total weight:  400 pounds.

Includes:  transportation, and a “bird’s-eye-view” of the Costa Rican Pacific coastline from up to 1,000 feet in the air.  State-of-the-art Premium Parasail winch boats and safety equipment are utilized.  For more details consult the Front Desk


Single/One-Person flight:  $100 plus taxes – Tandem/Two-Person flight:  $155 plus taxes – Non-flying observer/passenger:  $25 per person

Departure Times:   8am – 10am – 12md – 2pm and 4pm

Flight time is 15 minutes

Total time involved from hotel pick up to drop off is approximately 1 ½ hours.

Minimum total weight:  110 pounds, Maximum total weight:  400 pounds.

Includes:  transportation, and a “bird’s-eye-view” of the Costa Rican Pacific coastline from up to 1,000 feet in the air.  State-of-the-art Premium Parasail winch boats and safety equipment are utilized.  For more details consult the Front Desk


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